Friday, 10 February 2017

Wintertime candles

 Photographs found. Oh my, making these candles was so much fun. I first came across a how-to on the beautiful apartment apothecary - I had no idea candle making could be so simple. I gathered supplies (soya wax flakes, pre-waxed wicks from LiveMoor, essential oils from mystic moments) and a collection of old tea cups from local charity shops and then oh so simply made candles.
I selected what I hoped would be wintery scents - sweet orange, cinnamon and clove - and they smelt delightful as I mixed and poured. But I wasn't generous enough with the oils and they have just the faintest whiff of scent as they are burning, something to remember for next time
Happily for me I enthusiastically gathered tea cups and old jars which meant I made more than needed, so we are still burning them now on these grey days. Looking forward to experimenting with some floral scents next.

It is a day for cosying at home with scented candles and some knitting. I am joining in with the Snowmelt shawl MKAL - there are some beautiful shawls being knitted. And some dreamy yarns that are tempting me. My snowmelt is being knitted in seasonally appropriate colours and matches the skies of Suffolk perfectly... a light and mid grey just like these foggy morns with a cold, bright blue for the glimpses of sky when it does peek out from behind the blanket of cloud. So I shall make a pot of coffee and back to my knitting. Bliss


  1. 'Love those teacup candles! I made some a few winters ago and, you are right, they are so much fun to make... Yummy yarn!

    Beata xo

    1. We are still enjoying the last of the wintertime candles, though I am looking forward to making some with a suitably springtime scent... what to choose I wonder? And the wool is almost a completed scarf...
