Carrying on with the woolly makes on this warm and sunny Spring day! Not so seasonally inappropriate though as it is still rather chilly at night and so just right for a literary hottie

I love the idea of giving a hot water bottle, beautifully matched to some bedtime reading, an idea found in Jane Brocket's The Gentle Art of Knitting. These are knitted in Cascade 220, a dream to knit with, in colours Harvest and Atlantic. I did find the funnel part of the pattern a little too long, but maybe this was just these hot water bottles. The fit everywhere else was nicely snug, and I ended up just tucking the extra in at the top. Next time I would knit a few less rows for this part, and maybe measure it against the hot water bottle rather than merrily knitting the pattern.
This really is a snug and squidgy cover and I do need to knit myself one. Maybe before the summer. And so much fun had selecting some classic Penguin titles... One Pair of Hands, Mrs Parkington...
Do hope you are enjoying some snug bedtime reading Linda and Ems!