Friday 29 July 2016

Making something out of the these-can-go-to-the-charity-shop-pile. First up, sandbox pants

I realised, about this time last year, that the opportunity for me to make trousers or shorts for P from Mr R's cast-offs was limited. And so I rescued some trousers from the pile and set to. There are a few things to show, once I have got around to photographing them. Most - actually all - were made last year when this realisation hit. Let's hope that they still fit.

One summer's day last year P and I popped over to fabric rehab to get some bunting making fabrics for Linda and Ems' wedding. While we were looking through the scrap baskets there, P came across this car fabric and asked if I could make him a pair of shorts. Erm, no, remember this was the scrap basket but as it was a largish scrap I thought it could be used as a trim.

The pattern is Oliver + S' Sandbox Pants, shortened into fairly short shorts. Can't remember why, possibly there was a hole in the knee of the trousers I was making them from? But then they wouldn't have been in the charity shop pile... Gosh, can't remember, maybe these were in the throw out or use for rags pile. Do you all have such piles dotted about? Anyway, the trousers used were a lovely soft chino type that had been worn and washed many times. So soft, but also a little faded, but this can be excused because of the softness. What can not be excused is the apparent uneven length of the legs. I'm hoping it's just the angle of the photograph as I've not noticed it all the times P has worn these shorts
 Oops, still looking a little wonky on!
 Looking slightly more balanced from the back
P thinks it quite funny that he's wearing clothes made from Daddy's, probably why this pair of shorts are still a favourite this year. 

I was planning a gardening type day today as P is having a Granny and Grandpa day, so all quiet here. But we have rain. So I am catching up with a few jobs, and then perhaps some crochet time before meeting up with them this afternoon to go and watch The BFG. Hope you are having a lovely summer!

Saturday 23 July 2016

End of term

This end of term seems to have crept up a little. Which is odd as there have been plenty of helpful hints of its arrival - sport's day, summer play, morning with new teachers, and even sunny days. It's been a lovely few weeks meeting with friends after school for playing and ice cream, and happily I've managed some crochet time sitting in the sun in the various playgrounds.

End of term means end of term presents, and this year it has been necklaces for all. Not perhaps all, as not sure Dan would wear such sparkles, though he seemed happy with some Adnams...
Beads are from a few different Etsy sellers.... the smaller beads are from BeadStampedeUK, the larger ones from Bead Service and Snoochy. Some of the larger beads also came from bigbeadlittlebead, along with the chain. All were delivered really quickly. 

I made some of these for myself too, and some have been given as birthday presents. Any friends reading this with birthday coming up, please look surprised when you unwrap your parcel, as I think I may be giving these as presents for a little while yet.

So, summer holidays. We have been having some great fun these first few days... some lovely friends who now live in Qatar were back for a week so on the first day of the holidays a picnic and gathering was planned. Patch has missed his best friend so much, but they have had a dreamy couple of days together - including their first sleepover! - and this should keep them going until we see them again at the beginning of September. Today swimming and then a treat in the sun at our local barn cafe. And some crochet for me with a cold drink. Bliss! I may have my first crochet jumper to show you soon at this rate.... Happy summer holidays!

Monday 11 July 2016

Birthday noddlehead trail tote the second

Food shopping done and put away, wild winds and thunderstorms curtailing any gardening activity today, so finally I am here. Obviously ignoring Mount Ironing
There has been some making, too! Lovely Linda mentioned that she would like a larger bag, but that she really liked the Noodlehead trail tote made last year for her birthday (see here). Happily, two things that I could easily combine by making the larger size trail tote. I don't think Linda minded having similar presents two years in a row...
Quite a different look from the first trail tote, this time I used a brown waxed canvas-type fabric from the delicious Merchant and Mills, and the gorgeous webbing for the strap was from there too. The slider and ring are from Bobbin Girl  and the zip from Calico Laine
You can just see peeking out some of the lining fabric in the photo below... four corners weave cross in gold, found at the equally delicious Fabric Rehab. I need more of this summery yellow fabric
The details of the bag don't show up in these photographs, such as the well placed darts to give a well shaped bottom, and whilst it may be a little more subdued than Trail Tote the First, I do think Trail Tote the Second is a useful everyday bag. Hope you like your bag, Linda!