Hmmm... have spent the past few days with an achey sort of cold. Felt yuck. Still feeling slightly sorry for myself, as is Mr R. So not many makes as even too achey to knit. Today though that is what I plan to do... curl up with my knit needles.
At the start of all this yuckiness Patch had a party to go to at the weekend. A punk party. Had a vague idea that the delights of Primark or was it H&M had children's punk t-shirts, but couldn't find so decided to make use of some t-shirt transfer paper. Mr R printed a Ramones image which I ironed onto a plain white t of Patch's. Maybe a black t would have been more punk like, but the transfer paper was for light colours. And I had a white t. Patch didn't want his hair punkified, so the rest of the outfit was made up of a name tag necklace chain thingy (do I mean name tag?), black cord bracelet and brown cords as they are the only skinny leg trousers Patch has. All the best punks wear cords.
And the purple birthday skirt was for the birthday girl, whose favourite colour is purple.

The lovely fabrics are from m is for make, a combination chosen with the help of Kate. I hoped the plain purple was a good strong purple which Kate confirmed it was (even though it doesn't look so in these photos) and then suggested the lovely splodgy fabric to go with. A great choice and lovely, helpful service. So go buy lots of dreamy fabric there!
We wrapped the skirt and a Rosie Flo colouring book (the birthday girl loves to colour) in a suitably punkish manner - hope you like your presents Ilaria!
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