Catchy title. I was going to write summery birthday makes until I remembered that some of these were not actually for a birthday, but just because. Not that you would have known that, so I probably could have got away with the slightly more succinct version, with no need for all this waffle.
Hello! Our summer continued in its rather gentle manner, though we moved location to Dorset for a relaxing camping holiday. It really was dreamy. And then back home for a final summer holiday weekend with the loveliest of friends. Now the school term has started, P is happy to be back but I am missing him so. P also starts swimming club this week, so he will be swimming three times a week... which means extra crochet or knitting time for me! I shall have to find a suitably easily portable project before his first meet tomorrow. Oh, lovely new projects and finishing off others...
I have got a pile (small) of finished makes waiting to be photographed but today is a little too murky, so I shall show you some things made earlier this summer. Whilst searching for some suitable fabric for a skirt requested by P's friend Molly I came a cross an old dress of mine in the pile. The detail on the hem had saved this dress from the charity shop, and was waiting to be turned into a simple skirt. I cut off the bodice section and then made a channel for the elastic. So quick and just the right size for Molly

And then this was the skirt that Molly actually requested. I'm told that she was sitting in the bath one eve studying the delicious effects of a bath bomb and wondered if I could make her a skirt that exact colour - a bubblegum pink. Of course, Molly!

I had some fabric that I hoped was suitably bubbley-gummy and added the giant ric-rac from the overflowing (of course) trim box as I felt that it needed a little extra something and stopped it being quite so pink!
And another make for Molly - this time for her birthday

and a t-shirt for the other birthday boy, Dan
Right, I'm off to see what make I will take along to swimming tomorrow...
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