... Patch wondered at four in the morning on Saturday. And every half an hour after until I agreed to get up because at least then there was a six on the clock. And this was just to open the first door on the advent calendar. Oh Lordy, what will he be like on Christmas morn? I suppose it is rather exciting when you have a Lego advent calendar and this so sweet Olive the Other Reindeer one from your Goodmums

I thought it was time to maybe update some of the Christmas books used for Patch's advent book calendar, and have had a merry time finding them and wrapping all twenty-four. Still a mix of ones given to Patch, some charity finds, some from teaching, a few old ones of mine, and a couple of recent purchases.

Oh my, I am feeling festive! A bit of wrapping, making some presents, writing Christmas cards and a few carols already sung when we went to listen to Dad in the local choral society on Saturday. It will soon be time to make some festive pies...
And before all the festivities began I knitted a little top for Baby Alban

The pattern is the sleeveless top from Lois Daykin's baby knits. I love the look of this little top with buttons at the side and shoulder, and it was the only reason I bought the book to use for P when he was little. I had forgotten though about all those oh so many ends to sew in... each of the button bands is worked separately and then joined. Next time I hope to remember to change the pattern, and also knit it as one flat piece rather than the front and back pieces as the pattern states, which also have to be joined. And have ends to sew in.

Good job I like the finished little top!
I used Debbie Bliss cashmerino dk and some black buttons from Great Gran's tin, sewn on with orange thread which may be a little matchy but I like it!

Hope they keep you snug, Baby Alban...
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