Friday 28 April 2017

Bobble hats and birthday cake

Continuing with the woolly makes in Spring, though again grey and chilly in Suffolk today so not feeling too silly. Not sure bobble hat weather...

Until my current must make shawls all the time phase, I was enjoying the challenge of trying to use up all those bits of yarn leftover from various projects. And the chunky wool became a hat
Using wool until it ran out, I knitted the Finley Beanie by Marissa Post. It was the deep band of rib that made me choose this pattern on my Ravelry search and it is a good simple, chunky, quick knit... 

Once knitted, I wondered who to gift it to. The pattern suggests that the smaller size will fit children two to ten, so quite a range, but as I knitted a few less rows on the top section - when I ran out of yarn - a quick try on P showed that it was quite shallow. Wide but shallow. So a smaller head on a smaller body was needed. Just the thing for a lover of hats, five year old Merle. Who happily really likes her new hat.

The next hat is another chunky knit
This time the Slush hat pattern by Allison O'Mahony. I love this hat and so want to knit myself one, maybe next winter...  Unusually I did as the pattern asks for and used Lion Brand Wool-Ease thick & quick in charcoal in the hope of making a hat acceptable for wearer of black, newly fifteen Maisie.
From Bobble hats to birthday cake! P thought that a pizza birthday cake would be rather cool this year and had fun providing ideas for construction and toppings. While desperately making me understand that he didn't want a real pizza as his birthday cake... Yum


  1. Love the hat and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pizza cake - genius!

    1. Think I shall put off knitting myself a similar chunky hat til the autumn... The birthday cake was a success though it was only afterwards I wondered why I made the sponge into a layer cake rather than two flat cakes - would have been far more pizza like. And presented them in a pizza takeaway box... Always next year!
